email from Michael Wilson, 27th August 2004

in August, I received an email from Michael Wilson, it said.

Some old milk bar stuff - from the owners.

Best of luck with your endevours.

You don't seem to have been to some of the following old ex-bars:

Lime St, Liverpool - frequented by John Lennon
Cross St, Manchester
29 Colmore Rd, Birmingham
2 Victoria Sq, birmingham
Castle Gate, Shrewsbury
18 Leg St, Oswestry
6 Bailey St, Oswestry

There were never bars in Abergale or Prestatin

Michael Wilson
This came with an attachment which contained the following four pictures.


Aberystwyth National Milk Bar in 1935 (I think this picture is in the Aberystwyth NMB)
An article from 1937 about the growth of Milk Bars.
A two page spread in Farmers Weekly in 1983 on the 50th anniversary of NMB.

Now, There's Posh